competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine this article was published in the magazine capital intensive nature given the long gestation period and capital-intensive nature of space technology private players would need access to patient capital which can be achieved from the government or global private equity markets. institutional measures  indian national space promotion and authorisation centre (inspace) it acts as a single window nodal agency to address the needs of the private sector in indias space programme.  new space india limited (nsil) a psu under the department of space it is the commercial arm of isro responsible for enabling indian industries to take up high-tech space-related activities and commercial exploitation of the products and services emanating from the indian space programme. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase indian space association (ispa) launched in 2021 it is the apex non-profit industry body exclusively working towards successful exploration collaboration and development of private and public space industry in india. it will undertake policy advocacy engage and operate with all stakeholders and act as a catalyst for accelerating the exchange of knowledge technology of space-related domains pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription.

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine  easy access to credit bring out an attractive loan product with minimum collateral administrative costs and lower interest rates which should be widely circulated among pmay-g beneficiaries in their vernacular language. awareness generation for optimum utilization of the awaas app among the rural populace there is an imperative need to educate people about the operation through imparting training programmes at panchayat levels and create help groups. effective convergence with other schemes removing the gaps and shortcomings by establishing close coordination with the concerned ministries and departments. competition refresher magazine pdf ensuring timely release of funds from the centre and state government. conclusion reducing rural housing shortage and improving the quality of housing especially for the poor is important for poverty alleviation and inclusive development of the country. currently pmay-g only provides for the construction of new houses. government should explore the possibility of expanding the program to cover the repair or upgradation of existing houses. this could benefit for a greater number of households competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine published this article page no 9 this article was published in december awareness among consumers one of the other impediments for food basket diversification through the pds is lack of awareness among the consumers about healthy foods. o awareness camps can be targeted through panchayat raj institutions (pris) self help groups (shgs) and farmers producer organisation (fpo) groups. Arihant current affairs magazine monthly restructure the scheme according to the shanta kumar committee the government can save rs 33000 crores that could be utilised for other poverty alleviation measures like rural infrastructure and innovations and job creation. following reforms are needed ensure efficient markets allow private players Arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription

Arihant current affairs magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine published this article page no 14 this article was published in the magazine she stemas part of sweden india nobel memorial week she stem 2022 was successfully held for third year in a row.about she stem annual event to celebrate women in the fields of science technology engineering mathematics and sustainability. organised by embassy of sweden in india in partnership with atal innovation mission niti aayog and german centre of innovation and research. digi yatraministry of civil aviation launched digi yatra for three airports in country.digi yatra is conceived to achieve contactless seamless processing of passengers at airports based on facial recognition technology (frt). pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription it facilitates paperless travel and avoid identity checks at multiple points in an airport.onetime registration on digi yatra app is required using aadhar based validation and a selfimage capture.each passenger would get a unique digi yatra id.digi yatra foundation (dyf) has been set up as a joint venture company with the objective of creating the digi yatra central ecosystem pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase..

Pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 27 this article was published in the magazine the monitoring is being carried out with the help of central pollution control board; state pollution control boards; pollution control committees; national environmental engineering research institute (neeri) nagpur. Banking service chronicle magazine cpcb co-ordinates with these agencies to ensure the uniformity consistency of air quality data and provides technical and financial support to them for operating the monitoring stations air quality standards cpcb air quality standards in form of naaqs (national ambient air quality standards) are notified for 12 parameters (carbon monoxide (co) nitrogen dioxide (no2) sulphur dioxide (so2) particulate matter (pm) of less than 2.5 microns size (pm2.5) pm of less than 10 microns size (pm10) ozone (o3) lead (pb) ammonia (nh3) benzo(a)pyrene (bap) benzene (c6h6) arsenic (as) and nickel (ni)). 30 o naaqs doesnt meet the whos existing standards (2005 guidelines) and considerably differ from updated guidelines. for instance naaqs specify an annual limit of 60 microgram per cubic metre for pm 10 and 100 for a 24-hour period which are 15 and 45 respectively in revised who guidelines. related news national air quality index (naqi) naqi is tool that uses numbers to simplify air quality data by classifying pollution levels into 6 categories—good satisfactory moderate poor very poor and severe—and denotes a color code on the basis of how harmful the pollution in a specific area is. each of the pollutants— pm10 pm2.5 no2 so2 co o3 nh3—are assigned an air quality index (aqi) Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 24 this article was published in the magazine also sc banned certain chemicals in composition of firecrackers - barium (imparts green colour) lithium (red) arsenic antimony (for glitters) lead or mercury and strontium chromate. however sc allowed the manufacture and sale of only “green” (safe water and air sprinklers that emit less sound and light) or “improved” crackers (avoid the use of ash as filler material). about green crackers they are made using less polluting raw materials. their chemical formulation ensures reduced particle emission into the atmosphere by suppressing the dust produced. green crackers were researched and developed by csir-neeri. different types of green crackers available in india safe water releaser (swas) safe thermite cracker (star) and safe minimal aluminium (safal) crackers. Banking service chronicle magazine pusa biodecomposer developed by icar it is a low-cost microbial bio-enzyme solution which accelerates the decomposition of crop residue including stubble from paddy crops into manure within 15- 20 days. it is emerging as a potent solution towards curbing stubble burning. also it provides additional manure through decomposed stubble improving the soil quality as well. related news india at top in emissions related to crop burning report the report is released by climate tech startup blue sky analytics which is also part of global coalition “climate trace”. climate trace accelerates climate action by providing independent high-resolution and near-real-time (ghg) emissions data Banking service chronicle magazine subscription

Banking service chronicle

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article can be seen in the magazine to allow the states to permit non-forest use of such lands. misuse of provisions by mining companies  delete 2(iii) of the act which allows for assignment of lease which requires detailed examination of the proposal and payment of other compensatory levies such as ca in addition to npv.  2 (ii) which allows for use of forest land for non-forestry purpose by paying only npv can be invoked for any kind of lease assignment having an intention of using for non-forestry purpose. new drilling technologies  new environmentally friendly technologies which enables exploration or extraction of oil & natural gas deep beneath without impacting the forest soil or aquifer to be kept outside the purview of act. Junior science refresher magazine subscription private land covered under definition of forests  allow owners of private lands coming under definition of forest for construction of structures and residential unit up to an area of 250 sq mtr as one time relaxation. activities related to conservation of forests and wildlife  activities like establishment of zoos safaris forest training infrastructures etc. to be excluded from "non-forestry activity" as activities which are ancillary to conservation of forests and wildlife. imposition of compensatory levies  double imposition of any levy should be removed. penal provisions Junior science refresher magazine subscription price

Junior science refresher magazine

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine  this article was published in the magazine capital intensive nature g...