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banking services chronicle study material

 banking services chronicle study material

banking services chronicle study material There is no forward momentum. Nothing is moving forward. Wyoming is a dead duck on a motionless pond. With a hell wind blowing through its entire southern region. Royce exemplifies to a tee what is wrong with libertarian politics on the whole and why libertarians cant seem to elect the local dog catcher to office let alone a governor or president. Libertarians are like herding cats. And as long as they insist upon being so darned independent that nothing can get done the collectivists will continually out flank them. The libertarians need to learn how to stop endlessly whining about nonissues figure out what they all have in common and work as teams in making that happen. Until that happens libertarians will be the third largest political party in America without even a local dog catcher to show for their efforts. I know that is a kick in the teeth but hey it has to be said. Its ironic or maybe its destiny the tendency for things to come full circle that the first piece of ground taken and secured again in the name of Liberty is right smack in the middle of where it all began 229 years ago in the heart of New England  that tiny rascally independent state of New Hampshire. A place where the peoples right to revolution is enshrined in the state constitution. A place where the proud tradition of local control in the form of town hall meetings has continued in an unbroken chain since Colonial times to the present. A place where the tax collector gets beat like a gong and run out of the state on a rail. A place where the state legislature is run by civilians not career politicians  paid a mere $200 a year for their services. Thats a pay scale that needs to be put into effect immediately at the national level. Just being in New Hampshire was being zapped to another universe a universe where people come and go as they please do as they please where there isnt a cop everywhere you look and you arent under surveillance from every street corner. I stayed in Concord the state capital during my quick visit to meet up with members of the FSP. I went to visit the capital building while I was taking in the sites. Imagine my shock when I walked in the front door of the CAPITAL BUILDING and wasnt immediately surrounded by blackclad storm troopers with badges forced to empty my pockets for search having my body probed with metal detector wands and having my picture taken for computer biometric comparison to known enemies of the State. There were NO metal detectors. NO cops. Just an elderly retiree security guard who was eager to tell me about the unique place the state of New Hampshire occupies in Revolutionary American history. Wow. I then proceeded to wander around the capital building touring the chambers of the senate and the representatives  all without once being stopped questioned photographed or prevented from proceeding at all. Here the government is the property of the people Imagine that What a subversive idea I saw the governors office and if the man had been in the office at the time I probably could have walked right in and had a little chit chat with the guy. Try doing that ANYWHERE outside of New Hampshire. But to do that youd have to get into the state capital building first and getting in without being bodily violated by members of law enforcement would be unheard of. As a writer a soldier sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic and an American citizen I am very gravely concerned with the direction this country is taking. Trust me if you live outside of New Hampshire you really dont know what being free feels like. The police state isnt coming. Its already here. banking services chronicle study material

banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

 banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf  Published this article page no   DETROIT  Privately President George W. Bush is having a political panic attack as he retreats to his cocoon seeking comfort from his nannies. Babs his mommy wife Laura Condi Rice and Karen Hughes serve as his ladies in waiting assuring our courageous leader that the booboos he gets on his head will get better and those bad boys criticizing his war are just meanies who dont like him. Vice President Dick Cheney whose bum advice has cost him his malenanny status still is called upon for political valet duties. He made a pitiful attempt to quiet Iraq war critics and rewrite history. Cheney the Lord of the Lies still sticks to the bogus script he more than anyone else crafted that Saddam Hussein was a dangerous threat to our security and war was the only way to save the republic. On Capitol Hill the Republican enablers in Congress shamelessly branded Democratic Rep. John P. Murtha a decorated Vietnam combat veteran as a coward. Murtha one of the most respected members of Congress on military matters and until recently a staunch a supporter of the war in Iraq had the temerity to call for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. troops. The Pennsylvania congressman a former Marine colonel and Bronze Star winner twice wounded in Vietnam said it is time to bring the troops back home. Murtha said the war is based on flawed policy wrapped in illusion. His unexpected defection caused the Republicans to panic slur Murtha and force a vote on a transparently disingenuous resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces. The Republican members of the House are trying to save face and their political hides as public support for the preemptive war is plummeting. They are getting their cues from the White House which means they cant even acknowledge the obvious truth that the Iraq threat was at very least wildly exaggerated to sell the war. If they had some smarts  they dont  they would paint themselves as wellintentioned victims of the administrations propagation of bogus intelligence. You know the Busheviks are deep in desperation when they drag Cheney from his bunker to denounce critics who dare to say the president of the United States or any member of this administration purposely misled the American people on prewar intelligence. The intelligence was cooked and the only way that could be done was with purpose and premeditation. banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf

 banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf published this article  Only blind partisans and fools argue otherwise. Cheney made his denunciation wearing a tuxedo at a dinner for rich Republicans as the children of people of more modest means die in Iraq in a contrived war doomed from its inception. Violence explodes every day in Iraq because our troops are seen as invaders and oppressors. Bushs horrible experiment in using military aggression to spread democracy is an irredeemable foreign policy disaster that has done immeasurable damage to our national security. Cheney tried to stem the growing chorus of criticism for the lies he fashioned scowling that those who expose the deceptions are irresponsible dishonest and reprehensible. He used that threadbare argument that criticism in the middle of a war harms the troops who hear these cynical and pernicious falsehoods day in and day out. Cheney said he was proud of the men and women fighting the war on terror in Iraq and lamented a few opportunists are suggesting that they were sent into battle for a lie. They were. The terror in Iraq is the direct result of the invasion and occupation. Murtha recognizes a fundamental truth that sends the Busheviks reeling that the continued presence of U.S. troops is inciting the enemy against us and the only hope to quell the violence is to get them home as quickly as possible. The more indignant and solemn Cheney sounds the more outlandish and transparent his lies. He has no soul shame or conscience. He and his dauphin in the Oval Office are desperate angry and vindictive. If we screwed up they whine so did everyone else. They are so addicted to their reckless irresponsibility and supreme arrogance they are incapable of ever recognizing and soberly reflecting on the manifest failures theyve created. Now that six out of 10 Americans have concluded they lied to get the war they wanted Bush and Cheney are scrambling to collectivize their failures and tell those who are now seeing and speaking the truth that their actions will harm the troops and the war effort. We will stay in the fight until we have achieved the victory that our brave troops have fought for Bush bellowed last Saturday to cheering American military personnel at Osan Air Base near Seoul South Korea. Aside from the company of his nanny corps and at the coffee shop in Crawford Texas military bases are the only places Bush can feel appreciated these days. He loves to don a faux flight jacket get into his military mode salute the troops and hear the adulation from the crowd. banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine  this article was published in the magazine capital intensive nature g...