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banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

 banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf  Published this article page no   DETROIT  Privately President George W. Bush is having a political panic attack as he retreats to his cocoon seeking comfort from his nannies. Babs his mommy wife Laura Condi Rice and Karen Hughes serve as his ladies in waiting assuring our courageous leader that the booboos he gets on his head will get better and those bad boys criticizing his war are just meanies who dont like him. Vice President Dick Cheney whose bum advice has cost him his malenanny status still is called upon for political valet duties. He made a pitiful attempt to quiet Iraq war critics and rewrite history. Cheney the Lord of the Lies still sticks to the bogus script he more than anyone else crafted that Saddam Hussein was a dangerous threat to our security and war was the only way to save the republic. On Capitol Hill the Republican enablers in Congress shamelessly branded Democratic Rep. John P. Murtha a decorated Vietnam combat veteran as a coward. Murtha one of the most respected members of Congress on military matters and until recently a staunch a supporter of the war in Iraq had the temerity to call for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. troops. The Pennsylvania congressman a former Marine colonel and Bronze Star winner twice wounded in Vietnam said it is time to bring the troops back home. Murtha said the war is based on flawed policy wrapped in illusion. His unexpected defection caused the Republicans to panic slur Murtha and force a vote on a transparently disingenuous resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces. The Republican members of the House are trying to save face and their political hides as public support for the preemptive war is plummeting. They are getting their cues from the White House which means they cant even acknowledge the obvious truth that the Iraq threat was at very least wildly exaggerated to sell the war. If they had some smarts  they dont  they would paint themselves as wellintentioned victims of the administrations propagation of bogus intelligence. You know the Busheviks are deep in desperation when they drag Cheney from his bunker to denounce critics who dare to say the president of the United States or any member of this administration purposely misled the American people on prewar intelligence. The intelligence was cooked and the only way that could be done was with purpose and premeditation. banking service chronicle september 2020 pdf

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